The copilot for the modern restauranteur

Kintow helps top restaurants better manage cashflow, alert them when inefficiencies arise, and automate scheduling and ordering

Not for your accountant, this one's for you

Cash Flow Management

Run a more profitable restaurant.
Track flow of funds, expenses, and unit economics across locations in reat-time

Proactive Alerting

Don't wait 45 days to catch issues. Receive alerts when operating targets diverge or expenses rise unexpectedly

AI Agents for Critical Tasks

Don't let labor costs diverge from sales.
Automate key tasks like scheduling, ordering inventory, and negotiating

Software that acts like an owner

Accurate, real-time sales and labor forecasting

Whether it's ordering inventory or drafting schedules for your GM, forecasts serve as the foundation for all automation

Save time and money with automation

Respecting business constraints, AI Agents help ensure schedules match projected sales and help your kitchens run more smoothly

Deploy AI where it makes a difference

Save on Labor Costs - never staff more than sales demand
Reduce waste - Order inventory that matches demand
Never Miss Issues - Alert the right team member at the right time
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